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Services 2017-07-06T16:37:07+00:00

Patient centered, evidence based care that works.

Dr. Paul Plaskett chiropractic adjustment manual therapyChiropractic Adjustment

Manual therapy is one component of the nonsurgical management of common musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. It is a clinical approach that utilizes skilled and specific hands-on techniques that include chiropractic joint manipulation and soft tissue mobilization. Physicians at Joints In Motion Chiropractic use manual therapy to diagnose and treat joint structures and soft tissues for the purpose of:

  • Relieving pain
  • Increasing range of motion
  • Reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation
  • Improving tissue repair
  • Facilitating improved joint and muscle function

Dr. Paul Plaskett massage therapy Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a safe and effective hands-on soft tissue technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into restrictions of the connective tissue (fascia) that surrounds muscle. Muscular injury due to repetitive movement, postural imbalance, inactivity, or a traumatic event can cause the fascia and the muscle to bind together in the form of an adhesion. Muscular adhesions will often result in pain, increased muscle tension, and restrictive movement. Doctors at Joints In Motion Chiropractic are experts in a multitude of myofascial release techniques and use them to eliminate muscular pain and restore proper motion.

Herniated Disc

Most disc injuries to the neck and low back result from a lifetime accumulation of abnormal stresses to the spine. Many times disc injury occurs during simple tasks such as bending down to tie a shoe or reaching forward to pick something up. The injury may onset with sudden, sharp, and sometimes shooting pain. There are many types of disc injury and it is important that a proper diagnosis be sought out. Dr. Plaskett is an expert in both diagnosing and treating disc related injuries.

Traditional medical care for these injuries usually consists of pharmaceuticals such as pain medications, muscle relaxants and injections. Other options like surgery are sometimes offered in severe or prolonged complicated cases.

  • Are you limited in your ability to perform daily activities?
  • Are you currently dependent on a list of medications?
  • Have you had injections or epidurals with little or no relief?
  • Are you considering surgery but are uncomfortable with that choice?
  • Have all the options been presented to you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then non-surgical McKenzie Method is certainly a viable treatment option and could be just the thing you are looking for. McKenzie method for mechanical low back and neck pain specifically treats the diseased or pathological disc based on anatomical and physiological principles.

The McKenzie Method is a standardized approach to both the assessment and treatment of low back and neck pain and associated pain referral into the upper and lower extremities (i.e. sciatica) .  Much more than a simple set of exercises the McKenzie Method is a defined algorithm that serves to classify a spinal problem so that it may be adequately treated. The therapeutic approach requires movement through a series of activities and test positions to gauge the patient’s pain response. This information is then used to develop an exercise protocol to centralize and alleviate pain.

Medline Articles on Low Back Disc Herniation

Manipulative therapy in lower back pain with leg pain and neurological deficit.
Bergmann TF, Jongeward BV. Methods Department, Northwestern College of Chiropractic, Bloomington, MN 55431, USA.
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1998 May;21(4):288-94

CONCLUSION: There is ample evidence to suggest that a course of conservative care, including spinal manipulation, should be completed before surgical consult is considered.

Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations.
BenEliyahu DJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1996 Nov-Dec;19(9):597-606

CONCLUSION: This prospective case series suggests that chiropractic care may be a safe and helpful modality for the treatment of cervical and lumbar disc herniations.

Clinical and CT analysis of 35 cases of lumbar disc herniation before and after non-operative treatment.
Ye RB, Zhou JX, Gan MX. Chendu Research Institute of Sports Injury.
Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1990 Nov;10(11):667-8, 645

CONCLUSION: All patients were treated by means of manipulation. The clinical results showed that 29 cases (82.8%) had superior effects and 33 cases were effective. The clinical effective rate was 94.2%.

Dr. Paul Plaskett shoulder rehabilitation exercise


Physical Therapy techniques and procedures are used at Joints In Motion Chiropractic to address functional limitations and to teach patients how to prevent or manage their condition so that they will achieve long-term health benefits. PT management commonly includes the prescription of individualized therapeutic exercise to improve:

  • Range of motion
  • Muscular performance (including strength, power, and endurance)
  • Ergonomics and body mechanics
  • Joint integrity and mobility

Sports injury rehab therapy

Sports Rehab

An extension of traditional physical therapy, sports rehab focuses on functional rehabilitation with emphasis on exercise strategies necessary to excel at sports and remain injury free.  Sports injury plans are specifically designed based on each individual’s unique situation, needs, and goals. Rehab is doctor led with one-on-one attention.  Our goal is to help those of all ages and abilities get back to the sport they love and to perform it better than ever with reduced risk of re-injury.

Dr. Paul Plaskett AcupunctureAcupuncture

Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing technique of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1997, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) documented and publicized acupuncture’s safety and efficacy for treating a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture is now covered by many insurance policies and is used most broadly to relieve pain.

Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites–commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints. The most common method used to stimulate acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile needles into the skin. Pressure, heat, or electrical stimulation may further enhance the effects.

Dr. Paul Plaskett Kenesiotaping Sport TapeKinesiotaping

Dr. Paul Plaskett is a Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP).  The Kinesio Taping® Method offers an effective, non-operative option in the rehabilitation of sport injury and many painful and chronic conditions.  It’s bright colors and strange patterns are increasingly seen on professional and recreational athletes alike.

Dr Kenzo Kase, founder of the Kinesio Taping® (KT) Method realized that in many instances pain resulted from dysfunction in the muscles and myofascial tissues around the joints. With this in mind, he developed the Kinesio Taping® Method to support the body’s healing processes to restore normal function of these tissues.

Traditional taping methods typically used non-elastic tape to prevent further strain by immobilizing an injured muscle or joint but this “old school” approach would also impede circulation and slow down the body’s natural healing process. Kinesio Tape allows for movement while it works to take pressure off of overused muscles, reduces swelling and alleviate pain from injuries.

Dr. Paul Plaskett foot orthoticsCustom Orthotics

The foot and ankle complex is directly responsible for the distribution of weight and pressure throughout the body.  The average person challenges foot and ankle function by taking 8,000 – 10,000 steps per day. Approximately, 30% of the population has a normal foot. The remainder of people either over-pronate (95% of abnormal feet) or over supinate (5% of abnormal feet).

Pronation is a normal function that occurs when the foot rolls inward toward midline of the body causing the heel to collapse inward and the medial arch of the foot to elongate and flatten. If the feet are not properly supported, normal pronation can become excessive. This causes increased strain resulting in the inflammation of the soft tissues. A lack of proper support weakens the arch area, leading to its eventual collapse.

Injuries due to the poor biomechanics of over-pronation include: shin splints, Achilles Tendonitis, knee, hip and low back pain, cramps, ankle sprains, and loss of muscular efficiency (reducing walking and running speed and endurance). Foot problems due to over-pronation include: bunions, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, fallen and painful arches, hammer toes, and calluses.

An orthotic is a device inserted inside the shoe to assist in prevention and/or rehabilitation of injury. Orthotics support the arch, prevent or correct functional deformities, and improve biomechanics. Dr. Plaskett is trained in the casting of custom foot orthotics that are fabricated utilizing a three dimensional representation of the foot and are specifically constructed for each individual.

nutrition healthy eating supplementsNutrition

Many of the foods we eat today are pro-inflammatory in nature. Pro-inflammatory foods lead to numerous diseases and conditions associated with inflammation: chronic pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sinusitis, allergies,  asthma, digestive conditions,  Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, hypertension, and diabetes to name a few.


  • All grains and grain products including white bread, whole wheat bread, pasta, cereal, crackers and any other product made with grains or flours from grains.
  • Partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) found in margarine, deep fried foods and most packaged foods
  • Corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil and foods made with these oils such as mayonnaise, tartar sauce, salad dressings and many packaged foods
  • Soda, dairy, soy and sugar
  • Meat and eggs from grain fed animals

Pro-inflammatory foods contain higher amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, which cause inflammation. This is in contrast to omega-3 fatty acids, which are  known to be anti-inflammatory.


  • Fish
  • Leafy greens
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables


  • For optimal health we should strive for a 1:1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio
  • Since omega 6 is readily more available and omega 3 is much more sparse in today’s typical diet a 1:1 ratio is often difficult to attain
  • Research suggests anything above a 4:1 ratio increases disease risk potential
  • Typical American diet is 20:1 (omega 6 to omega 3 content)


Whole grains do contain nutrients and fiber, which are healthy and anti-inflammatory. Unfortunately, these benefits most likely do not outweigh the problems with grains previously discussed. They are inexpensive and profitable to store and manufacture.

Proper nutrition through diet and key supplements can help prevent global inflammation and the bombardment on tissues that may lead to eventual disease.

Supplement Recommendations

NOTE: These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Your ACO provider attempts to use only those products deemed of the highest quality and manufactured to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards exceeding standards currently proposed by the industry. There are contraindications to taking some supplements. The following dosage information is a general guide only; therefore it is recommended that you speak to your health care provider prior to initiating a supplement regiment.


  • Multivitamin: 2-3 tablets/day
  • Magnesium: 400-1000 mg/day [take body weight in lbs, divide by 2.2, multiply by 6 = basilar need (baseline amount to run body processes) then add 400 mg] Note: if you experience diarrhea decrease dosage
  • Fish Oil (Omega 3): 1-3 grams/day
  • C0-enzyme Q10: 100 mg/day
  • Vitamin D3: under 110lbs – 5000 IU/day, over 110 lbs – 10,000 IU/day
  • Proteolytic Enzymes: 2 grams/day/empty stomach/between meals
  • Fiber Supplement: 30+ grams/day (Note: consumption of fruits and vegetables contributes to overall daily fiber intake)


  • Glucosamine Sulfate: 1500 mg/day
  • Chondroitin Sulfate: 1200 mg/day


  • Calcium Hydroxyapatite: 1000 mg/day


  • Probiotics: Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium



Even the Journal of the American Medical Association, not known as a supporter of dietary supplements, has finally agreed that everyone should take a multivitamin.  A multi could be considered “dietary insurance”; since most individuals just do not get all of the required essential nutrients they need from their diet.

It is important to know that no matter how hard we try to eat healthy, our food sources in this day and age alone are insufficient.  Research has soundly proven this fact.  The right raw materials are vitally important but depleted soils from over farming and poor soil management produce deficient fruits and vegetables (some are even grown hydroponically in water and fertilizer rendering our vegetables little more than colorful water laden empty calories).  Furthermore, combining this with cooking and selective breeding, many of the essential nutrients critical for anabolic repair are simply unavailable to most Americans.  Thus, our bodies demand the need for dietary supplementation.


Magnesium is involved in basically all metabolic pathways. Every aspect of DNA synthesis and repair requires magnesium (joint, ligament, disc, etc.) Magnesium levels decrease as we age and taking in less Mg+ can elicit our stress response. A stressful state leads to hypercortisolism, which has the potential to lead to immunosuppression, muscle atrophy, centralization of fat, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, as well as disruption of mood and mental performance.


Potassium is largely found in cells (therefore blood tests for Potassium will be low) only 2% is found in extracellular space (outside the cell). Potassium is the key rate-limiting factor for vasodilation (opening of blood vessels). During exercise your body will demand an increase in blood flow to bring fuel to working muscles. If you are deficient in Potassium (natural vasodilator) the body will produce PGE-2 (an inflammatory mediator) to vasodilate the blood vessels. Over time this can lead to a number of health risks such as increased risk for hypertension, stroke, diabetes, malaise weakness and muscle pain. We require 7-11,000 mg on a daily basis to function normally. In the U.S. urban whites consume about 2.527 mg of Potassium per day. It is estimated that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed about 7,778 – 11,083 mg/day. According to this study we are consuming 400% less Potassium than perhaps we should. Food sources rich in Potassium include: raisins, dark chocolate, nuts, avocado, spinach, bananas, and dried apricots.


Omega 3 Fatty acids are used to build cell membranes of all tissue types (nerve, bone, muscle cells etc.). Omega 3’s reduce inflammation throughout your body. They are anti-inflammatory in the sense that they decrease the production of messenger chemicals (cytokines), which are involved in driving the inflammatory response.  Omega 3’s keep your blood from clotting excessively, lower the amount of lipids (fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides) circulating in the bloodstream and inhibit thickening of the arteries. Omega 3 can also reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the body’s ability to respond to insulin by stimulating the secretion of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism.


CoQ10 is needed by cells of our body to produce ATP (energy). It is also a powerful antioxidant and regulates global gene expression of skeletal muscle. It is important to supplement CoQ10 to the diet because not only does the natural production of it reduce as we age but levels we need are not readily available in most foods. For example at age 58-76 tissue analysis of the heart showed a 72% reduction in the production of CoQ10. The normal level of Co-enzyme Q10 in blood is around 1ug/mL. At least 100 mg/day of CoQ10 is required to increase blood levels from 1 ug/mL to 2ug/mL, which can be therapeutic.


Vitamin D3 functions to maintain normal cell proliferation. A deficiency may allow for increased cell proliferation and lead to diseases such as cancer or arteriosclerosis. As an example breast and prostate tissue converts 25 OHD into 1,25 OHD in the presence of vitamin D. With an insufficiency of Vitamin D this process does not occur efficiently and can lead to increased cell proliferation.


Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate are primary building blocks of joint and connective tissue. Research supports the benefits of taking glucosamine to maintain healthy joint tissues and prevent osteoarthritis. Chondroitin, when combined with glucosamine and vitamin C, has also been shown effective for lower back pain relief.


Psyllium Husks (pure plantango husks) – natural fiber supplement, do not take this at the same time as your daily supplements (it could reduce their absorption).  Trader Joe’s Pure Plantango Husks are an example of a psyllium husk product. A good product is one void of sugars, starches, salts, wheat, milk products and/or preservatives.  Fiber normalizes your stool patterns and adds bulk to stool which helps cleanse the bowels. Fiber can be obtained through our diet via the consumption of fruits and vegetables however, many of us do not consume enough in this fashion to reach the recommended dosage of 30+ grams/day  (the average American consumes 12-17 grams of fiber a day, hence the increased incidence of heart disease, diabetes and obesity in America).  For those that do not get enough fiber naturally, taking a second serving before dinner is an adequate (but less optimal) replacement.

Research indicates that 30+ grams of fiber a day can decrease your risk of colon cancer by 40%, increasing fiber intake 10 grams a day can lower cardio-vascular risks by 14% and reduce death by heart disease by 27%.  Fiber lowers levels of triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, C-reactive protein (a cardiac risk factor) and blood pressure all of which are independent risk factors for heart attack and stroke.  Increases in fiber will also fight Metabolic Syndrome, a precursor to diabetes.  Another benefit of increased fiber intake is weight loss and control.  Fiber promotes satiety; it makes you feel full and satisfied.  Satiety is one of the keys to weight loss.  Fiber also helps to promote weight loss by preventing calorie absorption.


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Search for NSF Certified GMP Facilities

Good manufacturing practices (GMPs) are guidelines that provide a system of processes, procedures and documentation to assure a product has the identity, strength, composition, quality and purity that appear on its label. These GMP requirements are listed in Section 8 of NSF/ANSI 173 which is the only accredited American National Standard in the dietary supplement industry developed in accordance with the FDA’s 21 CFR part 111. NSF International’s GMP Registration Program enables manufacturers to become independently registered by NSF to meet GMP requirements. NSF meets the needs of safety and quality for the dietary supplements industry.

Dr. Paul Plaskett Knee braceDynamic Bracing

A dynamic brace is a medical device that gives both support and aids in the initiation and performance of movement. Dynamic braces offer external support to improve stability but also allow movement in a desired joint(s). A dynamic brace is designed to help maintain a joints functional position, encourages range of motion and allows you to retrain movement while providing customized support only where you need it.

An orthosis must do 3 things by definition:

  • Prevent further deformity – must incorporate the necessary corrective force
  • Correct any existing deformity
  • Assist in returning to normal

As a chiropractic orthopedist, Dr. Plaskett sometimes recommends, fits and trains his patients in the use of dynamic bracing.