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Home/I cannot say enough good things

I cannot say enough good things

I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Paul Plaskett.  He is a board certified orthopedic chiropractor, who works in tandem with me in the management of our patients.  I say “our” patients, because we mutually refer patients to each other as we each feel the other could help.  He offers a skill set that I and physical therapy cannot provide.

I think what has really struck me about Dr. Plaskett, however, is his constant and thorough communication.  Communication between providers has become very impersonal and often incomplete in our computer based world.  Dr. Plaskett places emphasis on correspondence and will do so, not out of obligation, but because it is good for continuity of care.  I need to be able to refer my patients to someone I trust and for whom I have infinite amounts of respect, because they trust me.

Lastly, I struggle to remember a patient that I have referred to Dr. Plaskett, who did not benefit from his care.  His compassion for his patients and passion for his calling are evident the first time you meet him.  I think those are important traits to possess, because they instill trust in the patient and puts them at ease.    My patients are always impressed by his depth of knowledge and ability to heal.

By | 2017-08-09T22:39:49+00:00 August 9th, 2017|Comments Off on I cannot say enough good things

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